Keep Our Oceans CLEAN -#SaveTheFishies

Why should we care and protect our oceans? …

The oceans on planet earth produce over half of the oxygen we breathe to live – AND, at any given moment, they contain more than 97% of the world’s water. Oceans are responsible for at least 1/6th of animal protein people eat on a day to day basis. Living oceans also absorb C02 (carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere and aid in climate change impacts.

WOW – and that is just scraping the surface.

My name is Allison West. I am a student at Concordia University – and the purpose of this blog project is to help promote the cause of saving the ocean, keeping them clean and not contributing to negative impact.

I am using the hashtag #savethefishies to help promote awareness on campus and online. Let’s create a conversation.

PLASTIC. PLASTIC. PLASTIC. That is our main culprit here people.

It is easy to think that your one plastic drink cup or straw a day might not have an effect. You actually probably don’t even think about it at all! We are so used to consuming plastic everyday – we really don’t stop to think what the collective impact has on our surroundings and planet.

To learn more, watch this Youtube video about the concerns of Hawaii locals… and keep following along!

This blog is meant to be a space to be informative, start a conversation, and offer tangible ways a to contribute in a positive way, even as just one person.

#savethefishies – Allison